When it comes to successful weight loss, there are three important strategies to help you lose weight and keep it off: Ownership, Accountability, and Consistency.
These might sound familiar, and maybe even a little ordinary, but once these have been adopted, you can really see change on the scale. I know, I know…there are a lot of glamorous programs out there, really cool apps to try, maybe a supplement that looks too good to be true. I understand your desire, and even the allure, but adopting these simple tried and true techniques will ultimately work best for you. Let’s see what they all mean.
This small little word means A LOT, but when it comes to successful weight loss and your relationship with food, it is absolutely necessary. You have 30 lbs you want to lose? 80 lbs? You got there by making some unhealthy choices with food and a sedentary lifestyle. And, guess what? It’s okay. These harmful practices do NOT make you a bad person. Quite the opposite, it’s just an indication that something has gotten out-of-order, and it’s time to regroup. Own the fact that your lack of activity, and eating choices are damaging your health and lowering your self esteem. Remember, It’s okay. We are here to help.
What this means is that you are ready, truly ready to admit that you have unhealthful habits. Part of that is looking at your diet. Looking at when and how you eat. The secret sauce to accountability in successful weight loss, is logging your food. It is tedious, and time consuming, but it is so very necessary to really see what you are eating, and what the nutritional breakdown is. The same is true for exercise. Accountability is also about allowing people who are acquainted with your goals to assist you and to provide inspiration as you move forward. Whether it’s me as your health coach, our nurse practitioner, a spouse, a sibling, or a friend. Tell people that you TRUST what you are doing, and ask for their support. Let them know your goals, and how they can gently nudge you when you are feeling weak. You will appreciate it over time, and it will also build your confidence when it comes to your body.
This one is SO IMPORTANT when it comes to successful weight loss. Just keep going…. If you start your diet on a Monday, and are really good that Monday and Tuesday. Great. When Wednesday/Hump Day rolls around, you think…, “Oh, I’ve been good for two days, maybe just a little dessert or something starchy with my dinner.” By the weekend, you are “all in”, as I call it, and you start ordering pizza, eating wings or mac and cheese, and you have to “Start” again on Monday. That’s just not going to work. It’s a vicious cycle and one that I have personally experienced. So, forgive yourself and get right back on track. The absolute key to weight loss is making good choices Monday through Sunday. This week, next week, and the next. You WILL lose weight, and you WILL feel better, and You WILL like how your clothes feel on your body or when you look in the mirror. Keep that up. Keep making clean choices. Keep moving your body. You will find that once the weight is successfully lost, you can tolerate an indulgence here or there, and it will not show up on your scale. You will also discover that over indulging does NOT feel good, and you will be less likely to do this in the future. Healthy life-style choices increase your vitality and positive outlook.
Profile MD can Help
The weight loss program at Profile MD, is structured in a way to provide support in all three of these areas for successful weight loss. We LISTEN to you in order to learn about your habits, and more importantly we invest in your goals. We SUPPORT you by enrolling you in our BodySite program, and encouraging you to be accountable each and every week. We RESPECT your goals and assist you in moving forward with our customized six month medical-weight-loss program.
We are here for YOU. We have a Medical Weight Loss program designed to help you WIN. You get a scientific approach that tailors to your likes and dislikes plus careful oversight. Self- love is a good goal to add to your positive personal choices.
What better way to do it than with self-care? Call Profile MD for a FREE initial consultation. Call 410-544-4600.
Written by Stacey Fogarty, Health Coach at Profile MD