Skin Conditions

Toenail Laser Treatment in Maryland

Restore your toenails our with laser therapy

Treat Your Toenails With the GentleMax Pro

Discolored and cracked nails can be embarrassing and difficult to treat. Our cutting-edge laser treatments with the GentleMax Pro are the most effective option for clear and healthy-looking toenails.

How To Get Healthy Toenails

Unfortunately, these conditions don’t go away on their own. Oral medications may help, but they can also negatively impact your health, with potential side effects including liver damage, poor interaction with other medications, and a lengthy treatment time. 

In many cases, these options fail. Lasers offer excellent treatment without the concern for drug complications.

How Our Laser Nail Treatment Works

Lasers are a game-changer. Here’s how it works: 

  1. The laser beam passes through your nail to raise the temperature of the nail bed.
  2. As the temperature climbs beyond what infections can tolerate, the disease is destroyed. It simply can’t stand the heat.
  3. Most people need three treatments. Occasionally, more treatments are required.
  4. Once the treated area grows out, you will have a healthy nail again.

Toenail Laser Treatment Before and After Photos

What Is the Recovery Time? 

Because laser treatment involves no surgery and no discomfort, recovery is simple. It is a no-downtime procedure. Slight redness around the nail may appear for up to two days post-treatment, but normal activities may be resumed immediately. The hardest part for many people following laser toenail treatment is waiting for a healthy nail to grow back, which usually takes months.

What Causes Toenail Issues?

If you have discolored, thick, and cracked nails, you’re not alone. These symptoms affect about 14% of the population. Though unsightly, symptoms are typically not serious, but the cause can be hard to pinpoint. 

Toenail infections are common and our doctors offer a FREE consultation to help you determine the cause. Here are a few reasons why some people are more prone to toenail problems:

  • Diabetes 
  • An injury to the nail bed
  • A weakened immune system
  • Poor circulation in the legs
  • Failure to wear proper footwear in the gym locker room


How Can I Prevent Toenail Infection?

  • Wear breathable socks and shoes to keep feet dry
  • Sprinkle antifungal powder on before putting on shoes 
  • Wear flip flops in shared spaces like gym showers or pool decks
  • Make sure your nail salon uses proper sterilization procedures


Why Should I Call Profile MD for Toenail Treatments?

Profile MD uses advanced laser treatments to correct unsightly discolored and cracked nails. The treatment is FDA-approved, comfortable, and non-invasive. Our doctors have decades of experience in treating problems just like this. They offer a free consultation to examine you and answer your questions.

Take the first step in reviving your toenails

Dr. Jared Mallalieu and Dr. Ross VanAntwerp, the clinicians at ProfileMD, offer a free consultation to diagnose your nails and provide you with next steps. Treatment can usually be started the same day as your visit. Get in touch with us for your free, no-obligation consultation.

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