Let’s debunk some cosmetic surgery myths

Let’s take a look at some myths, urban legends, and cheesy rumors that surround cosmetic surgery with these popular cosmetic surgery myths.

Even the term “plastic” in plastic surgery is misunderstood. People think  that something plastic means fake.  But in reality, the word plastic in plastic surgery comes from the Greek word meaning “to mold.”

Check out these other cosmetic surgery myths:

Breast augmentation is a one-time event

Like anything, breast implants have a limited lifespan, usually around 10 to 15 years. Plus, as the person with implants ages, her breasts will still droop with that aging. So, you will likely need another breast implant replacement procedure, and possibly a breast lift.

Cosmetic surgery doesn’t leave scars

Sure… Anytime you make an incision there is the possibility of scarring.  Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jared Mallalieu applies laser treatment to incision lines two weeks after surgery.  Laser treatment flattens these lines and reduces redness.  You get a superior cosmetic result.

Liposuction is a great weight loss tool

Wrong. Liposuction sculpts away exercise resistant fat, and trims unwanted areas of fat.  It’s not a substitute for weight loss, but fat removed does not reoccur!  You can even take unwanted fat and use it to enhance your buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift), or to rebuild sagging cheeks.  That’s called fat grafting.

Fat can’t reappear in other areas after liposuction

Fat removed is fat removed!   However, you can gain weight in areas around your removal.  For example, you can gain weight in your waistline if you remove fat from your abdomen.  Fat can increase wherever fat is distributed.

You can’t go out in the sun after surgery

Not true. You should always protect your skin from excess sun to avoid skin cancer and sun damage.  But, as long as you wear a physical sunscreen that contains zinc or titanium, you don’t have to pretend you’re a vampire.  A little bit of sun exposure just might lift your spirit during recovery.

Experience Matters

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With years of medical experience our doctors, Dr. Jared Mallalieu and Dr. Ross VanAntwerp, specialize in bringing out the best in people through our unique laser and cosmetic procedures. Get in touch with us for your free, no-obligation consultation.

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