Laser Liposuction removes unwanted fat & tightens skin

Everyone knows about liposuction. In the U.S., it is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.   Laser liposuction is superior to regular liposuction because it heats and softens fat prior to removal.  Removal is more targeted and less painful as a result.  Deep heating of the tissues during the process causes tightening of the skin in the area treated.

What areas can be treated with laser liposuction?  

  • Under the chin, jowls
  • Back of the neck
  • Upper arms
  • Upper back
  • Upper & lower abdomen
  • Love handles and flanks
  • Hips and waist
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Inside of the knees
  • Enlarged male breasts

What happens during treatment?

In laser liposuction, Treatment areas are first infiltrated with a lidocaine/saline solution under the skin.  Then tiny incisions are made for the insertion of the ProLipo Laser fiber.  The surgeon pulses laser energy into  areas of unwanted fat, which is then suctioned out with a small cannula.  Melted fat reduces the need for the aggressive jabbing of the cannula to break up fat typically seen in traditional liposuction. Laser heat also stimulates the body to produce new collagen adding further support to loose skin.

Do you have exercise resistant areas of fat?  If so, laser-assisted liposuction offers you a beautiful option.  Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Jared Mallalieu offers a FREE consultation to examine you and to discuss the options.  Call Profile MD at 410-544-4600.  Transformation Now!

Experience Matters

Free Consultation

With years of medical experience our doctors, Dr. Jared Mallalieu and Dr. Ross VanAntwerp, specialize in bringing out the best in people through our unique laser and cosmetic procedures. Get in touch with us for your free, no-obligation consultation.

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