Laser liposuction has increasingly become popular with men and women-especially those with post covid 19 weight gain.
Hollywood’s acceptance of laser liposuction has also propelled the popularity of this body sculpting procedure (Theodorou, 2017). People seek laser assisted liposuction for many reasons. They have areas on their bodies that are resistant to fat loss such as the lower abdomen, or those persistent fat pockets that bulge around the bra area. The aging process and hormonal changes often cause unwanted fat to build up around the midsections of many people. Covid 19 resulted in an uptick of people wanting to get rid of annoying abdominal bulges. We all want to look and feel our best, and Allura Laser Liposuction offers the opportunity to quickly achieve a more sculpted appearance. So, there are a few things you should know when it comes to this minimal downtime procedure.
Laser liposuction melts fat
The surgeon makes a few tiny incisions to insert cannulas that deliver laser light to soften and melt fat. This softening effect allows for a smooth removal of fat resulting in less injury to surrounding tissue. Laser heat also causes skin to tighten in the area of removal.
In-office Procedure
Laser liposuction does not require general anesthesia. Most of our patients are treated with tumescent lidocaine, a solution that is injected through the same openings made for liposuction. You are numbed from the inside out. This allows the patient to drive themselves home after recovery. Profile MD has a fully accredited operating room for treatment.
Safer method of removal
Laser liposuction offer a safer method of fat removal for several reasons. Number one is that you receive a local anesthetic instead of general anesthesia. Epinephrine in the lidocaine solution reduces bleeding, and the smooth removal of liquified fat also reduces trauma and bleeding.
Fast recovery time
Less trauma and smaller incisions allow for a fast recovery. You will have minimal discomfort that is easily controlled with Ibuprofen or Tylenol. You will experience less bruising and pain with this procedure. You might take a day or two off from work but most people are able to return to normal household activities. Our cosmetic surgeon asks his patients to avoid heavy lifting for a week or two. You are also asked to wear a compressive garment for 10 days to two weeks following liposuction. The garment helps to insure best results.
Skin tightens with laser liposuction
Many people ask whether or not their skin will sag when fat is removed. One of the nicest things about laser assisted liposuction is that the heat produced with melting fat also stimulates collagen to build and skin to tighten.
Areas for treatment
- Upper and lower abdomen
- Inner and outer thighs
- Love handles
- Area around knees
- Waistline 360-front to back
- Upper arms
- Double chin
- Neck hump
Body contouring opportunities
Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Jared Mallalieu of Profile MD has many options for improving your contour with minimally invasive Allura liposuction. Treatment is fast and comfortable with impressive results. He offers a FREE consultation to examine you and to answer your questions. Call 410-544-4600 to discover how you can improve your profile.