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Men are Turning to Liposuction to Enhance Their Physique

The first year I was in practice, I performed a single male liposuction procedure. Fast forward almost 15 years, and I now routinely perform liposuction for men.

This trend is not unique to my practice. In fact, each year more and more males nationwide are having liposuction to help improve overall physique and body confidence. Liposuction for males is a great way to remove excess fat that does not respond to diet and exercise alone. These areas of resistant fat are often genetic in nature and no amount of dieting seems to improve them.

Laser liposuction is safe, fast, and skin tightening

Liposuction is a quick, safe and effective procedure. During the liposuction procedure, a numbing solution (also known as tumescent) is injected into the fat through tiny incisions.  This allows patients to be very comfortable and removes the need for general anesthesia. Once numb, a thin tube called a cannula is used to remove the fat through a 2-3mm incision. Additionally, various energy devices are now available to help better sculpt tissue and TIGHTEN skin. These include LASER (Allura by Scition) and Renuvion. These procedures are done at the same time as liposuction, through the same small incisions. The energy from Allura liposuction and from Renuvion also tightens skin in the area of fat removal.  Laser heat causes collagen to rebuild for several months and tightens skin in the treated areas. 

Men desire treatment for their abdomen, love handles, and for six-pack etching

While the liposuction procedure does not vary between genders, the areas frequently treated are often different. Fat tends to congregate in different locations on the male body. Men are more likely to see fat on the lower abdomen, chest and waist (“love handles”). Many male patients also seek high-definition liposuction. This involves selective fat removal to help enhance a more muscular appearance. In the abdominal area this is called abdominal etching. In this procedure fat is selectively removed from the transverse lines of the abdomen to create a “six pack.” On the arms, high-definition liposuction can be performed just below the deltoid muscle to help create deep definition between the deltoid and biceps/triceps muscles. This results in more defined arm musculature.

Laser liposuction corrects fatty male breasts

I see many men who are concerned about fatty male breasts.  This condition can come about from excess weight gain and from hormone imbalance.  Liposuction removes the fat and causes the tissues to tighten.  The patient gets an improved profile. 

Versatile liposuction for a better profile

Whether you are looking to enhance an already toned physique or reclaim a smaller pants size, let my team at ProFile MD help you achieve your goal. We have all the latest technology, along with years of experience to deliver your best profile!

Cheers, Dr. M

Experience Matters

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With years of medical experience our doctors, Dr. Jared Mallalieu and Dr. Ross VanAntwerp, specialize in bringing out the best in people through our unique laser and cosmetic procedures. Get in touch with us for your free, no-obligation consultation.

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