FDA approves Kybella… but does it really work?

The US Food and Drug Administration recently approved Kybella for treatment of submental lipodystrophy, commonly known as a “double chin.”

Kybella, also known as deoxycholic acid, is a molecule which helps in the breakdown of dietary fat. Once it is injected, Kybella breaks the membrane of fat cells. The body then removes the broken cells.


The procedure requires numerous treatments (up to six within a month). Each treatment consists of approximately50 injections into the fat under the chin. Results are typically noticed around 12 weeks after the last treatment.


According to Medscape, the risks of Kybella include damage to the skin, facial muscle weakness, difficulty smiling and even trouble swallowing.


Results are mixed, with 70% of patients treated noting at least a small improvement.

What we recommend

For now, our cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Jared Mallalieu, recommends and performs laser-assisted liposuction for the double chin. The procedure takes less than 45 minutes, and does not require general anesthesia. You get the benefits of a minimally invasive surgical treatment that heals fast, and that causes droopy skin to tighten where treated. Best of all, you get maximal results with very little downtime! To find out if you’re a candidate call Profile MD at 410-544-4600.  Transformation Now!

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With years of medical experience our doctors, Dr. Jared Mallalieu and Dr. Ross VanAntwerp, specialize in bringing out the best in people through our unique laser and cosmetic procedures. Get in touch with us for your free, no-obligation consultation.

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