Laser Liposuction in Maryland
Allura Liposuction Procedures in Maryland.
Our Laser Liposuction Services
Many people struggle to spot and reduce fat that just defies their best efforts. They try special diets and work out hard, but the fat is resistant to exercise. We hear this all the time at Profile MD in Maryland. At Profile MD, you will find answers to your body-shaping goals. With minimal downtime, laser liposuction gets rid of exercise-resistant fat in a laser flash!
What is Laser Liposuction?
Upon searching the internet for weight loss options, you’ve probably heard the term “laser liposuction” thrown around. So, what exactly is laser liposuction? Laser liposuction is a body sculpting procedure that incorporates technology with traditional liposuction to treat areas of excess fat and improve contours.
So why choose laser liposuction over traditional liposuction? Laser liposuction uses the heat from laser technologies to efficiently tighten skin and rebuild collagen. Traditional liposuction doesn’t have this unique feature.

Our Laser Liposuction Procedure
Want to feel great in your skin again? Dr. Mallalieu at Profile MD performs laser liposuction. If you’re interested in this procedure, you’re probably wondering what it’s like. Here is what to expect from a laser liposuction procedure with Profile MD:
1. Marking fat removal areas
First, your surgeon will mark the targeted areas for fat removal and refine your body’s contours.
2. Sedation for treatment
Depending on the extent of the procedure and the surgeon’s preference, laser liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia with mild sedation. Most laser liposuction procedures are performed with local tumescent lidocaine. It is easy and comfortable.
However, the surgeon might recommend general anesthesia for multiple areas of removal. In that case, anesthesia would be administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist or anesthetist. If the procedure is being done under deep sedation or general anesthesia, it will have to be administered by an anesthesiologist.
3. Laser cannulas are inserted
Once tiny incisions have been made, the surgeon will insert slender cannulas to access the fat.
4. Set laser wavelength
The surgeon programs the laser to the correct wavelength for heating and softening the fat.
5. Suction fat
Now the doctor can begin the work of suctioning and removing the fat via the cannulas.
What Makes a Good Liposuction Candidate?
People with mild to moderate excess fat are excellent candidates for laser liposuction. Heavier people can also benefit from laser liposuction. It often kickstarts a weight loss regimen to enhance the positive gains made with laser liposuction. Laser liposuction is a great tool for sculpting areas that resist exercise and dieting.
You should not consider it to be a weight loss program but rather, an assist to your overall body image goals. Laser liposuction is not beneficial to those who have excess skin due to weight loss.
Areas That Can Be Treated 
The areas that can be treated with laser liposuction are:
- Abdomen
- Back
- Butt
- Chin/neck
- Waist
- Chest
- Thighs
- Arms (only upper arms)
If you have determined that you are a good candidate for laser liposuction and need any of these areas treated, laser liposuction is a legitimate option for you.
How Long Does it Take to See Results?
You will notice changes right away, but best results become evident in 4-6 weeks following treatment. Bruising and swelling dissipate, and collagen is at work restoring the treated tissues.
It is important to note that weight gain after treatment can cause untreated fat cells to grow and expand. The treated fat does not reoccur, but the remaining cells can cause additional fat to appear.
Laser Liposuction Recovery. Downtime is minimal and any discomfort is controlled nicely with over-the-counter analgesics like Ibuprofen. You may experience a few days of minor soreness in the incisional areas. You can return to work and normal activities in just a few days. However, heavy lifting or gym workouts should be avoided for a week or two.
Your surgeon will recommend that you wear a compression garment for two weeks for best results.
Laser Lipo Recovery
The general downtime for laser liposuction is about three days. The downtime and soreness that comes with the recovery will increase if multiple areas of the body have been worked on. You can generally return to work and your normal activities within three to four days, but other activities like returning to the gym require a week or two.
Also, to help reduce swelling and skin laxity, your doctor will probably recommend that you wear a compression garment for up to two weeks near the treated area.
Common Side Effects of Laser Lipo
Overall laser liposuction is a safe and comfortable procedure, but there are a few things that commonly occur. The most typical side effects are mild swelling and bruising. Infection can also occur, but it is less frequent than common side effects. Our surgeon will review all of these considerations with you at your initial consultation.
Why Should I Choose Profile MD Over Other Competitors?
At Profile MD you get a free consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Jared Mallalieu trained with a Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgical Group skilled in all of the most current cosmetic surgery techniques. By choosing Profile MD, you will find a cosmetic surgeon who is genuinely interested in you and your aesthetic goals. Lastly, you get quality work at a great price.
Get Laser Liposuction in Maryland
If you have excess fat that you want to get rid of for a better body contour, laser liposuction at Profile MD is the best answer for you. With an encouraging staff supportive of your success, Profile MD is ready to provide you with the most up-to-date laser liposuction services.
Laser Liposuction FAQs
Why should I choose Dr. Mallalieu at Profile MD?
Dr. Mallalieu has over 15 years of experience performing laser liposuction on more than one thousand cases. You get to see him in consultation before treatment, and he evaluates each patient in person. Further, he creates a treatment plan tailored to your needs and expectations.
What is laser liposuction?
Laser Liposuction is a minimally invasive way to get rid of unsightly fat! Laser Liposuction can be used to lose those love handles, tighten skin, or as part of a mommy-makeover.
Who is the ideal candidate?
Someone with body fat that they want to get rid of.
Do I need general anesthesea?
No. Most cases done with Allura laser liposuction can be done with local anesthesia. Oral medications can be added to make the procedure more relaxed. Cases done with local anesthesia use Klein’s solution to numb the skin. More extensive cases may require general anesthesia.
What's my recovery?
Liposuction in any form is what’s called an ambulatory procedure. This means patients are up and moving from the time surgery ends. For small cases most patients return to work the next day. For cases involving multiple areas patients usually take 24-48 hours off. Patients should refrain from strenuous exercise for 2 weeks or until cleared by Dr. Mallalieu.
What areas of the body can be treated?
Under chin, jowls, Back of neck, Upper arms, Upper back, Upper & lower abdomen, Love Handles and Flanks, Hips and Waist, Inner and outer thighs, Buttocks, Inside of knees, Male chest (enlarged breasts).
Laser Liposuction vs. Traditional Liposuction
The most significant difference is how much the skin tightens after the procedure. Heat produced by the laser tightens skin and rebuilds collagen. Traditional liposuction does not have this feature.
Is laser liposuction safe?
Absolutely. Dr. Mallalieu makes sure that he has all of your health details before approving you for treatment. He uses the Sciton Allura system which has full FDA approval. Allura gives you rapid fat reduction and skin tightening. You get noticeable results in a one-and-done session. Dr. Mallalieu and his surgical team carefully follow all precautions to give you an excellent cosmetic result.
When can I expect to see results?
After swelling subsides, roughly 3 weeks.
Will I have scars following treatment?
The incisions are tiny and do not require stitches. Incisions generally heal without any issues. You can opt for 2-3 laser scar removal sessions to flatten the incision and remove any discoloration.